Biological Sciences Facilities
Hoffberger Science Building
- 15,000 square feet for the Biological Sciences Department
- Dedicated research laboratories for full-time faculty
- A Radioisotopes lab contains liquid scintillation and gamma counters, and a variety
of equipment supporting molecular biology research
- Dishwashing facilities and a fully-equipped darkroom
- Large greenhouse and potting shed
- Computer laboratories
- Equipment: reagent-grade water systems, thermocyclers, phosphorimager, -80°C freezers,
an ultracentrifuge and refrigerated high-speed centrifuges and rotors, sterile transfer
hoods, a vacuum centrifuge system, UV/VIS scanning spectrophotometers, a variety of
incubators and growth chambers, and a number of dissecting and compound microscopes
with digital imaging systems
- Approved for use of radioactivity by the institutional Radiation Safety Committee
and under our site license administered by the Maryland Department of the Environment
- Coming in summer 2020, a 50,000-square foot addition to the Hoffberger Science Building
will create modern lab and learning spaces.
Learn more about the Hoffberger Science Building Renovation